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Table 1 Characteristics of study participants in the EPIC study. Values refer to either median (minimum – maximum range) or number (percentage)

From: Metabolomic profiles of hepatocellular carcinoma in a European prospective cohort


HCC cases

Matched controls


(n = 114)a

(n = 222)



79 (69.3 %)

153 (68.9 %)


35 (30.7 %)

69 (31.1 %)

Age at blood collection (years)

60.6 (46.1–77)

60.2 (45.7–77)

Age at diagnosis (years)

65.3 (47.6–86.4)


Lag time (years)b

4.8 (0.01–13.3)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

27.7 (19.5–43.4)

26.5 (17.2–40.2)

Waist circumference (cm)

95 (68.5–140)

92.2 (64–130)

Smoking status


30 (26.3 %)

94 (42.3 %)


39 (34.2 %)

86 (38.7 %)

 Current smoker

44 (38.6 %)

41 (18.5 %)


1 (0.9 %)

1 (0.5 %)

Serum-clot contact timec

 ≤1 day

84 (73.7 %)

169 (76.1 %)

 >1 day

30 (26.3 %)

53 (23.9 %)

Educational status

 Primary school/None

61 (53.5 %)

106 (47.7 %)

 Secondary school

4 (3.5 %)

23 (10.4 %)

 Technical/professional school

30 (26.3 %)

45 (20.3 %)

 Longer education

18 (15.8 %)

44 (19.8 %)


1 (0.9 %)

4 (1.8 %)

Physical activity


10 (8.8 %)

29 (13.1 %)

 Moderately inactive

36 (31.6 %)

71 (32 %)

 Moderately active

57 (50 %)

100 (45 %)


11 (9.6 %)

22 (9.9 %)

Lifetime alcohol drinking pattern

 Never drinkers

10 (8.8 %)

17 (7.7 %)

 Former drinkers

17 (14.9 %)

3 (1.4 %)

 Drinkers only at recruitment

17 (14.9 %)

43 (19.4 %)

 Lifetime drinkers

70 (61.4 %)

159 (71.6 %)

Alcohol intake at recruitment (g/day)

7.5 (0–141.3)

8.8 (0–108.6)

HBV/HCV status


77 (67.5 %)

215 (96.8 %)


37 (32.5 %)

7 (3.2 %)

Liver function scored


34 (29.8 %)

188 (84.7 %)


42 (36.8 %)

32 (14.4 %)


38 (33.3 %)

2 (0.9 %)

AFP (ng/mL)

5.3 (0–18780)

3.25 (0–20.8)

  1. aDistribution of HCC cancer cases across EPIC countries was 29 for Denmark, 20 for Germany, 11 for Greece, 19 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 7 for Spain, 16 for Sweden, and 8 for the United Kingdom
  2. bFollow-up time between blood collection and HCC diagnosis
  3. cSerum-clot contact time refers to the time between blood collection and blood centrifugation for serum isolation
  4. dA categorical liver function score describing liver damage was constructed based on values of albumin (<35 g/L), total bilirubin (>20.5 μmol/L), AST (>34 U/L), ALT (>55 U/L), GGT (men >64 U/L, women >36 U/L), and AP (>150 U/L), each contributing 1 point when outside of the normal range