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Table 2 Comparison of vaccine effectiveness (VE) by vaccination group and influenza type/subtype

From: RETRACTED ARTICLE:The impact of repeated vaccination on influenza vaccine effectiveness: a systematic review and meta-analysis

VE comparison

Relevance of results




Vaccinated both seasons versus vaccinated prior season only

ΔVEa (95% CI)

ΔVE = VEboth – VEprior only

Patient and policy perspectives

26% (15% to 36%)

10% (–6% to 25%)

24% (7% to 42%)

Vaccinated current season only versus vaccinated neither season (reference group)

Pooled VEcurrent only

Patient and policy perspectives

61% (50% to 70%)

41% (33% to 48%)

62% (54% to 68%)

Vaccinated both seasons versus vaccinated current season only

ΔVEa (95% CI)

ΔVE = VEboth – VEcurrent only

Policy perspective

4% (–7% to 15%)

–12% (–27% to 4%)

–8% (–17% to 1%)

  1. Bold type-face indicates significant results
  2. aΔVE > 0 implies higher vaccine effectiveness estimate when vaccinated in both seasons