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Table 2 Cognitive domains of synthesised studies, including subdomains

From: Cognition in chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Cognitive domain (Studies)

Sub-domains (Studies)

Description of domain


Orientation & Attention (28)

Orientation (0)

Ability to attend to one’s environment and maintain short-term or continuous focus on information or tasks

Trail Making Test, digit span, digit-symbol substitution, immediate recall

Attention, processing speed, and working memory (28)

Perception (1)

Visual (0)

Ability to receive and make sense of stimuli

Hooper Visual Organization, Halstead-Reitan speech sounds perception test

Auditory (1)

Tactile (1)

Olfactory (0)

Memory (17)

Verbal (16)

Ability to remember information, whether verbal, auditory, or visual following a period of time

California Verbal Learning Test, Wechsler Memory Scale, facial memory, visual memory, word list, long delay recall

Visual (4)

Tactile (0)

Incidental learning (0)

Prospective learning (0)

Remote memory (0)

Language (9)

Aphasia (3)

Ability to understand, produce, and use language appropriately

Boston Naming Test

Verbal expression (4)

Verbal comprehension (3)

Verbal academic skills (0)

Construction & Motor Praxis (11)

Drawing (4)

Ability to produce or orient within space 2D or 3D representations

Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale block design and object assembly tests, Purdue Pegboard

Assembling and building (4)

Motor skills (3)

Concept Formation & Reasoning (6)

Concept formation (2)

Ability to utilise patterns and abstract concepts to solve problems

Judgment of Line Orientation, Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Reasoning (4)

Mathematical procedures (0)

Executive Functions (15)


‘Higher order’ abilities that draw on multiple other domains

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, verbal fluency

Global Cognition (25)


Collection of domains measured in cognitive impairment (e.g. dementia and Alzheimer’s disease) screening tests; these primarily measure Orientation & Attention, Memory, and Language

MMSE, Modified MMSE (3MS), Telephone Interview for Cognitive status