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Table 4 Discrepancies in harms data between CSRs, trial registries, and publications for variables that were reported in two sources

From: Reporting of harms in oncological clinical study reports submitted to the European Medicines Agency compared to trial registries and publications—a methodological review


CSR and trial registries

CSR and publications

Publications and trial registries


 Number of patients with at least one SAE

15/32 trials (47%)

5/13 trials (38%)

8/14 trials (57%)

 Total number of SAEs

5/5 trials (100%)

0/1 trial (0%)

No trials with data from both sources

 Number of patients with at least one AE

No trials with data from both sources

2/11 trials (18%)

No trials with data from both sources

 Total number of AEs

5/5 trials (100%)

No trials with data from both sources

No trials with data from both sources

 Number of patients with at least one Grade 3–5 AE

No trials with data from both sources

7/12 trials (58%)

No trials with data from both sources

 Total number of Grade 3–5 AEs

No trials with data from both sources

No trials with data from both sources

No trials with data from both sources

 Number of deaths due to AEs

12/13 trials (92%)

4/10 trials (40%)

4/4 trials (100%)

 Number of patients who discontinued trial due to AEs

23/26 trials (88%)

18/20 trials (90%)

11/18 trials (61%)

  1. CSR clinical study report, AE adverse event, SAE serious adverse event