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Table 2 Recommendation list for future long COVID-19 studies

From: Identifying patterns of reported findings on long-term cardiac complications of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis




Sample and survey

Conduct systematic sampling and oversample participants with major potential risk factors for long-term symptoms

Relate study population to a well-defined source population and increase statistical power to conduct hypothesis test

Collect information on pre-COVID symptoms and conditions

Allow to distinguish long-term symptoms and pre-COVID symptoms or the population’s baseline level

Conduct multiple follow-up activities to examine changes in long-term symptoms over time

Establish temporality and compare the rate of symptom development between comparison groups

Design and analysis

Apply appropriate analytical methods, including confounding adjustment for major demographic and socioeconomic factors, pre-existing conditions, and comorbidities

Control for major factors related to long-term symptoms

Use causal knowledge and graphs to guide covariate adjustments and provide a rationale for a priori selection of potential confounders

Reduce confounding and decrease the risk of including variables that could increase bias

Present information on number of cases and population at risk by COVID severity status and other important risk factors, and results of both crude and adjusted models

Allow for a close examination on main study results and the uncertainty that may result from small numbers