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Table 1 The basic characteristics of the included participants

From: Placental inflammatory cytokines mRNA expression and preschool children’s cognitive performance: a birth cohort study in China


Total (n = 1665)

Maternal characteristics

 Age at enrollment (years) (Mean ± SD)

26.4 ± 3.6

 IQ (Mean ± SD)

96.3 ± 11.0

 Parity [n (%)]


1507 (90.5)


158 (9.5)

 Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m2) (mean ± SD)

20.9 ± 2.8

 Maternal metabolic dysfunctions during pregnancy [n (%)]


285 (17.1)


1380 (82.9)

 Maternal infection or inflammation conditions during pregnancy [n (%)]


145 (8.7)


1520 (91.3)

 Maternal fever during pregnancy [n (%)]





 Alcohol use during pregnancy [n (%)]


1539 (92.4)


126 (7.6)

Father’s characteristics

 Father’s educational levels [n (%)]

  Junior high school or below

223 (13.4)

  Senior middle school

487 (29.2)

  Junior college or above

955 (57.4)

 Family monthly income per capita, RMB/yuan [n (%)]

   < 2500

440 (26.4)

   ≥ 2500

1225 (73.6)

Placental characteristics

 Placental weight (g) (mean ± SD)


 Placental efficiency (mean ± SD)


Children’s characteristics

Sex [n (%)]


859 (51.6)


806 (48.4)

 Birth weight (g) (mean ± SD)

3383.5 ± 427.3

 Gestational weeks (mean ± SD)

39.1 ± 1.3

 Preterm birth [n (%)]

54 (3.2)

 Children’s age at cognition testing (months) (mean ± SD)

55.4 (6.8)

 Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months [n (%)]


174 (10.5)


1491 (89.5)

 Main caregivers before 3 years [n (%)]


857 (51.5)


808 (48.5)

 Average screen time per day [n (%)]

   ≤ 1 h/day

568 (34.1)

   > 1 h/day

1097 (65.9)

 Average outdoor activity time per day [n (%)]

   ≤ 1 h/day

402 (24.1)

   > 1 h/day

1263 (75.9)

  1. IQ Intelligence quotient, SD Standard deviation