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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of enrolled patients

From: Impact of high-power short-duration atrial fibrillation ablation technique on the incidence of silent cerebral embolism: a prospective randomized controlled study


HPSD group (n = 50)

Conventional group (n = 50)

Age (years, IQR)

63 (52–70)

63 (55–70)

Male (n, %)

27 (54%)

33 (66%)

BMI (kg/m2, IQR)

24.2 (22.0–26.4)

24.1 (22.2–26.3)

Smoking (n, %)

16 (32%)

21 (42%)

Drinking (n, %)

11 (22%)

19 (38%)

CHA2DS2-VASc score (points, IQR)

1.5 (1–3)

2.0 (1–3)

MoCA score (points, IQR)

26.0 (22.0–27.3)

25.5 (22.0–28.0)

AF classification

 Paroxysmal (n, %)

33 (66%)

26 (52%)

 Persistent (n, %)

17 (34%)

24 (48%)


 LAD (mm, mean ± SD)

37.5 ± 4.0

38.9 ± 5.3

 LVEF (%, IQR)

66.0 (61.7–71.0)

66.0 (63.0–72.0)


 Hypertension (n, %)

22 (44%)

25 (50%)

 Coronary artery disease (n, %)

6 (12%)

17 (34%)

 Diabetes mellitus (n, %)

6 (12%)

7 (14%)

 Heart failure (n, %)

2 (4%)

2 (4%)

 Stroke/TIA (including lacunar infarct, n, %)

7 (14%)

7 (14%)

 Hyperlipidemia (n, %)

11 (22%)

13 (26%)

Laboratory test

 NT-proBNP level (pg/ml, IQR)

226.3 (74.9–881.6)

421.3 (125.4–922.3)

 Creatinine (mmol/L, IQR)

70.1 (62.0–84.7)

72.2 (61.8–86.5)

  1. AF atrial fibrillation, BMI body mass index, HPSD high-power short-duration, IQR interquartile range, LAD left atrial diameter, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, TIA transient ischemic attack