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Table 1 Maternal and newborn characteristics by maternal body mass index in a cohort of 24,222 infants from the Copenhagen Baby Heart Study, Denmark, 2016–2018

From: Impact of maternal age and body mass index on the structure and function of the heart in newborns: a Copenhagen Baby Heart Study


Number (%)

Maternal body mass index


BMI < 18.5

N = 945


BMI 18.5–24.9

N = 16808


BMI 25.0–29.9

N = 4477

Obesity class I

BMI 30.0–34.9

N = 1367

Obesity class II + III

BMI ≥ 35

N = 625

Maternal Characteristics

 Age at delivery (years)

  < 25

71 (7.5)

711 (4.2)

216 (4.8)

78 (5.7)

41 (6.6)


296 (31.3)

4740 (28.2)

1261 (28.2)

377 (27.6)

188 (30.1)


388 (41.1)

6961 (41.4)


506 (37.0)

222 (35.5)


160 (16.9)

3520 (20.9)

982 (21.9)

323 (23.6)

141 (22.6)

  ≥ 40

30 (3.2)

876 (5.2)

297 (6.6)

83 (6.1)

33 (5.3)

 First-trimester smoking


40 (4.2)

405 (2.4)

157 (3.5)

92 (6.7)

45 (7.2)


870 (92.1)

15985 (95.1)

4185 (93.5)

1254 (91.7)

555 (88.8)


35 (3.7)

418 (2.5)

135 (3.0)

21 (1.5)

25 (4.0)

Newborn Characteristics



500 (52.9)

8620 (51.3)

2329 (52.0)

750 (54.9)

308 (49.3)


445 (47.1)

8188 (48.7)

2148 (48.0)

617 (45.1)

317 (50.7)

 Gestational age at birth (weeks)


61 (6.5)

915 (5.4)

281 (6.3)

110 (8.0)

74 (11.8)


148 (15.7)

2136 (12.7)

648 (14.5)

238 (17.4)

132 (21.1)


234 (24.8)

3681 (21.9)

925 (20.7)

298 (21.8)

118 (18.9)


296 (31.3)

5275 (31.4)

1260 (28.1)

367 (26.8)

135 (21.6)

  ≥ 41

206 (21.8)

4801 (28.6)

1363 (30.4)

354 (25.9)

166 (26.6)

 Birthweight (g)

  < 2500


264 (1.6)

46 (1.0)


10 (1.6)


172 (18.2)

1934 (11.5)

402 (9.0)

126 (9.2)

57 (9.1)


380 (40.2)

6014 (35.8)

1397 (31.2)

414 (30.3)

166 (26.6)


301 (31.9)

6184 (36.8)

1676 (37.4)

482 (35.3)

237 (37.9)

  ≥ 4000

66 (7.0)

2389 (14.2)

949 (21.2)

313 (22.9)

155 (24.8)



23 (0.1)

7 (0.2)


0 (0.0)

 Birth length (cm)

  < 50

167 (17.7)

2177 (13.0)

486 (10.9)




717 (75.9)

13031 (77.5)

3436 (76.7)

1046 (76.5)

468 (74.9)

  ≥ 55

54 (5.7)

1531 (9.1)

533 (11.9)

143 (10.5)

70 (11.2)


7 (0.7)

69 (0.4)

22 (0.5)



 Congenital heart defecta


66 (7.0)

1126 (6.7)

339 (7.6)

116 (8.5)

45 (7.2)


879 (93.0)

15682 (93.3)

4138 (92.4)

1251 (91.5)

580 (92.8)

  1. 72 infants had mothers who were missing information regarding BMI
  2. *Data not shown in order to avoid compromising personal data
  3. aAny of the following defects found by the CBHS by use of postnatal TTE: Atrial septal defects, ventricular septal defects, bicuspid aortic valve, quadricuspid aortic valve, aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, quadricuspid pulmonic valve, coarctation of the aorta, tetraology of Fallot, transposition of the great arteries, atrioventricular septal defects, congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, situs inversus, Epsteins anomaly, cardiogenic tumors and supradiaphragmatic totally anomalous pulmonary venous return