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Table 2 Overview of interview themes based on frequency and degree of concordance

From: The experience of albinism in France: a qualitative study on dyads of parents and their adult child with albinism

  1. The color of each theme is associated with a main section: difficulties and obstacles are in red; coping strategies are in blue; external sources of support are in green
  2. The vertical position of a theme indicates its frequency among the interviewees: the higher the theme, the more frequently it was brought up. The number in parentheses shows the count of participants who referenced that theme
  3. Below the labels of the first row, a scale is presented, representing the parent-child level of concordance on each theme. This scale is in percentages, 100% meaning that a theme was cited an equal number of times by both PWAs and parents and 0% that it was cited exclusively by either PWAs (left) or parents (right). In essence, the closer a theme is to the center of the table, the more it represents a shared viewpoint between PWAs and parents. Conversely, themes located at the extremities are more specific to either PWAs or parents