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Fig. 7 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 7

From: Epigenetic tuning of brain signal entropy in emergent human social behavior

Fig. 7

Ongoing entropy does not show social-behavioral specificity. a Results from the partial least squares path model (study 1, model 3, n = 55) showing associations between OXTR methylation (OXTRm), ongoing area under the multiscale entropy curve (MSEAUC), ongoing signal standard deviation of the continuous time series (SDCONT), and ratings on the Social and Non-Social constructs of the Revised Infant Behavioral Questionnaire (IBQ-R). β, path model coefficient; p, jackknifed p-value for coefficient. b Topographical map showing loadings of each electrode on the MSEAUC construct. c Plot of the significant association between MSEAUC and OXTRm standardized factor scores. d Plot of the significant association between MSEAUC and Social IBQ-R standardized factor scores. e Plot of the significant association between MSEAUC and Non-Social IBQ-R standardized factor scores

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